Elizabeth Melton Parsons


Making More Changes-Maybe?


Large_icon_question_mark_purpleAs you can see, I’ve not posted my blog buddy for day 6. After five days I’ve received some feedback. It seems my plan could use some tweaking. It was suggested I make this a part of my blog on a permanent basis, not daily but monthly. Although it’s hard for me to imagine, they missed my ramblings and wasn’t looking forward to a year minus the ‘me’. How could I not be flattered by that? I thought about it and thought about it while trying to get Christmas stuff put away and I want your opinions.

Should I continue as I’ve been doing for the past five days? Which means there will be daily blog buddy posts for the entirety of 2015 and no other types of posts.

Or should I go back to my normal random posts of  musings, poetry, art, photos..etc and just highlight a different blogger once a month on a permanent basis?

Please let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks! 🙂

Author: Elizabeth Melton Parsons

I'm a novelist, poet, and artist. I love books, nature, art, and gardening. I'm a rock hound and there's a photo of me with a cool fossil rock on my about page, I take a lot of nature pictures. The background here is one of mine. Unfortunately I recently lost my wonderful husband, but I'm grateful to have the blessing of two beautiful sons. elizabethmeltonparsons.wordpress.com is © Elizabeth Melton Parsons 2007-2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elizabeth Melton Parsons with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

52 thoughts on “Making More Changes-Maybe?

  1. Posting Blog Buddy once/twice in a week is good option
    Post other things as well like photo poetry ….thought


  2. How good of you to ask us, because I thought about that.
    I like what you’re doing. And it’s very kind of you, Elizabeth.

    It introduces me to new bloggers I wouldn’t otherwise have met.

    But I realized yesterday that I miss hearing about YOUR life. I miss that direct contact with you.
    You’re a favorite blogger of mine, and I want to keep that connection with you.

    Could you introduce us to fewer bloggers a month, and also let us hear from you?


  3. You are doing great in either one, just do what you love most.
    Good luck


  4. You know Liza, back when the Baby Boomer Divas were in full swing, we had a regular roster where each “diva” would write a blog post (every Wednesday) and then make the rounds to read all the others…with your Blog-Buddy, perhaps this would be more suitabke (as SAN_jeet suggested) – this way you are still free to include everything else. Personally speaking, weekly seems the better option as it peaks more interest. Hope that helped 🙂


  5. Please. Please. Please. Don’t misunderstand me. Whatever you do will be fine. But you have asked for opinions and I have one. I signed up for your blog. I had watched it and I knew what I was getting. Well crafted prose. Lovely poetry. Engaging photos. I like that. It inspired me. I signed up for it. I have enjoyed it immensely. Now you are trying to change to the blog buddy idea. That’s OK, too. But it’s not what I signed up for. Your blog buddies posted so far have been fine. But this survey of the blogosphere is not what I signed up for. Without the your unified viewpoint I might not continue. I know that I have not read each blog buddy as carefully as I read your posts. Do you see what I’m saying? It’s your talent that draws people to your blog spot. It’s like going to a movie versus reading about movies on Rotten Tomatoes! Thanks for listening.


    • Your analogy makes a lot of sense. I hadn’t thought it about it that way. I guess it would be kind of like reading a movie summary as opposed to actually seeing the movie. 🙂 You’ve been a visitor here for quite some time and I very much appreciate your loyalty and I’m flattered by your lovely comment. Thank you! xo


  6. I love to meet new bloggers, but I miss your posts, Elizabeth. I don’t think I could make it through an entire year without you. 🙂 Perhaps you can do an equal split that works with your schedule?
    Thanks for asking. xo


  7. I really enjoy your posts and would really be disappointed not to see them more often. I like being introduced to other bloggers but think once a week would be good. What about doing a once a week, like Friday’s Blogging Buddy posts?


  8. I should carry on as you were before Blog Buddies Elizabeth and slot in a Blog Buddy when your mind goes blank. That’s every post then 😉 lol xox ❤


  9. I prefer Elizabeth Melton Parsons 🙂 That is no slight on the gifted people that you feature, but I would be more likely to pay attention to them if they were featured once a month, maybe once a week. Peace . . .


  10. Thank you for asking. I would like to see you reduce the new blogger every day to every week, once. I too miss you and want to hear from you.


  11. I am going to join the chorus and also say I would prefer hearing more of you again. Though the featuring other bloggers is interesting and one can perhaps find someone new to follow, I follow you to read more of you. So I agree with the majority here: feature someone once a week if you feel compelled to, but bring yourself back to those of us who love reading you.


  12. I want you, with some others on occasion…


  13. Definitely liking the blog buddy thing but I’d love to see some variety, especially from someone who has so much to give.


  14. Make it a weekly thing…”blog-buddy of the week”..or something 🙂

    I’m missing your musings, photos and poetry… really.. 🙂 would love to see you back with your pen.. rather keyboard 😀 ….


  15. I still have 2 blog buddies to visit, but lunch is over and so I will do so later.
    You have great taste in buddies, and I think you should do it at some regular interval, but I like and miss your posts.
    So please give me more of you! _Resa xo


  16. While I value and am always encouraged by reader inut/feedback, Elizabeth, in the end I know — and have chosen to write what I want and what I believe (some) readers may find useful. If I altered my blog course with what everyone else (constructively) suggested, it would become less of me and more about them; not that “them” would be a bad thing. 🙂


    • Thanks, Eric. That’s true. I’d never let anyone tell me what I can or can’t post on my own blog. But then on the other hand, as a writer I’ve always valued input from both editors and readers. I’ve always found a nice balance between what works best for me and what others prefer is how I function best. I appreciate your input very much. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi Elizabeth, I’m new here and find myself going back to read some of your older posts to get a flavor of what you write about. I appreciate you introducing us to bloggers that I might not meet otherwise but I’d like to see a mix as well. But, as others have noted it’s your playground! Thanks for asking us. 🙂


  18. I think your Blog Buddy idea a good one and I have been introduced to a few really interesting and talented people I would never have met without your help. Your taste in blogs and bloggers reflects the kind of person you are and your interests. As Eric says, this is your blog and you can run it however you like. But…. I have enjoyed reading your musings and hearing about what you think and what you do. I haven’t been reading your posts for very long and been following you for even less time and I want to read more about YOU (I’m being selfish here!). Forgive me, but I think you had no idea how much people enjoy YOUR company. Also (and you can tell me to go and boil my head – to use a favourite expression of my husband’s) you have had a nasty blogging experience recently which has shaken your confidence and I think you may have wanted to step back a little out of the lime-light for a while.


    • That had never entered my mind, Clare. I don’t have a clue if there may be a grain of truth in what you say. I’d have to look deep inside and think about that. I do believe that for whatever reason we all need to take a step back on occasion. And I know I definitely want to highlight some of my fellow bloggers as a thank you for all they bring to my life. I suppose I shall just have to find a balance and if my confidence is lagging, I’ll have to have a sincere talk with myself and get back on track. 😀 Thank you! xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am so glad you weren’t offended by my impertinence! I still say that it is your blog and it is up to you how you run it. I am sure the right balance (for you) will soon become apparent. Clare 😀


  19. Hello Elizabeth,
    My feelings are similar to most of the other comments.
    I enjoy very much to learn about you, your writing, and photos.
    That being said, I like the blog buddies you’ve introduced thus far, too 🙂
    Although I would love to see more of your work, the most important is you do what makes *you* feel happy 🙂
    Best wishes,


  20. Elizabeth, I enjoy your musings, and randomness when you feel the spirit to share them, so whatever you decide will be OK. I’m glad you’re still posting!!! 🙂


  21. Hello lovely Elizabeth, my thoughts: chuck structure out of the window on this one. It’s your blog…so post your writing when the muse strikes or you want to share and do your Buddy Blog when you have time. It’s lovely to read your posts whatever you do. ❤ Xx


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