Elizabeth Melton Parsons


Copyrights and Blog Policies

Some of the photos and graphics on this blog come from the public domain, were offered free from image sites or I’ve paid a usage fee. Most are my own including the background and header photos. The copyright notice is at the end of this post. If you fail to abide by it, “May the curse of Mary Malone and her nine, blind, illegitimate children chase you so far over the hills of damnation that the good Lord Himself can’t find you with a telescope.”

Awards: This an award free blog. I’m always pleased and flattered to be offered an award and although I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness in nominating me, I don’t accept awards.

Posting Comments on this Blog: If you post a comment I will answer it. If I miss any, it’s accidental or I am not blogging for some reason such as illness or work. If that happens, I apologize. This is an equal opportunity blog.  All comments are welcome, even derogatory ones. So feel free to express yourself.

Okay, here’s the copyright notice.

© Elizabeth Melton Parsons 2007-2018
All Rights Reserved
No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials.

You may share the contents of this blog by any of the following means:
1. Using any of the share icons at the bottom of each post.
2. Providing a back-link or the URL of the content you wish to disseminate; and
3. You may quote extracts from the posts with attribution to https://elizabethmeltonparsons.wordpress.com

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Commercial use and distribution of the contents of this blog is not allowed without express and prior written consent of the author.

If you would like to use an image, please ask in the comment section.


19 thoughts on “Copyrights and Blog Policies

  1. Woah. I see that I’m not following you. After reading this I must grovel and apologise. So under the threat of being terminated by you hitting me over the head with a large blog, I had better follow you …… then you can stalk me. I love that 😉 Ralph xox 😀


  2. Danm, you got more rules than a Catholic school nun running a co-ed summer camp for rebellious teens and atheists!


  3. I never thought I’d ever say this but – I really like your curse! Is it yours or did you borrow it from the curse-maker?


  4. OMG you blog like ya mean it!!! My kinda blogger 😉 I reblogged one of your posts but I cant seem to find it now LOL but I believe I commented on it too. Yes I do need a time out… I wish 🙂 You are certainly welcome to come yell at me although as a newb Im jus gettin tha hang o things @WP so please have pity on a gurl. XO 🙂


  5. Ok Woman, it’s been almost a year that I started blogging and am still going and it’s all YOUR fault! I started about the same time last year that you were QUITTING because of “patent issues and dishonest people” and it scared the bee-jeebers outta me, so I wrote to you and you very kindly and lovingly reassured me that MOST bloggers were pretty nice people. And because of you, dear lady, I stayed….thank you, Sweet Pea. My writing’s not always “the greatest”, but it’s been a “gift to me” of sorts and has given me an outlet that I otherwise would have never had….Thanks, E! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, Lucie. I doubt you’ll ever know just how much your lovely comment means to me. I was all down in the mouth this morning and decided to check my emails as I do every morning. Imagine my surprise when I opened my blog and saw this. Just about brought me to tears. I haven’t had a lot of time for blogging lately, but I still try to keep up with all you guys. I and the rest of your many, many fans are soooo HAPPY you kept going, Lucie. Congratulations on your one year anniversary and here’s to many more! Thank you, sweet friend for taking time to leave such a beautiful comment. 🙂 ❤


“Our opinions do not really blossom into fruition until we have expressed them to someone else.” ― Mark Twain

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