Elizabeth Melton Parsons


Are Country Folk More Honest? Part 2


To Read Part 1: Are Country Folk More Honest? Part 1

T C Steele Painting

T. C. Steele

We all have our moments of stupidity, but I seem to have more than my share. One year on vacation I decided to visit Brown County Forestry and Nashville, Indiana, nicknamed ‘Little Nashville’ after Nashville, Tennessee because of all the music shows they have. I was there in October because I wanted to visit the forestry when the leaves were their most colorful and I wanted to visit the home and studio of artist T. C. Steele. The little village of Nashville is quaint and charming, but when I was there must have been a peak time because the streets were jammed with people. I stood in line for over an hour just to buy an ice cream cone. Even though small, the crowds in this town made it like being on the streets of New York during the busiest hours. I’d never seen anything like it.

I needed to escape the hordes of people for awhile and walked down a little backstreet to a historical building. There wasn’t anyone there and I sat down on a bench to take a break. While there, a few people came by and I spoke to a couple of very nice ladies before deciding to walk back to the car. I’d parked a long ways from the town center because there simply wasn’t any parking space available anywhere. Once at the car I realized I didn’t have my keys because my handbag was gone. I panicked. I couldn’t remember where I could have lost it. It never entered my mind that someone could have swiped it. As I said, much too trusting.

I called the police and a very nice officer came to make a report. He told me this kind of thing happens all the time and I’d never get it back. He said they usually take all the money and credit cards, then toss the bag somewhere. I figured they weren’t going to do anything so I sat on the tarmac beside the car and took some deep, calming breaths. Once my panic eased I began thinking over everything I’d done since I’d last had my bag. I was sure I’d lost it somewhere and it had not been stolen. I remembered the bench where I’d rested and thought maybe the strap had slipped off my shoulder while sitting there. I ran back there and of course it wasn’t there. Seeing a fleck of bright orange I looked through some trees and realized it was prisoners in an enclosure next to, of all things, a jailhouse. Guess what? When checking with the officers inside, they had my handbag. Nothing was missing. Those nice ladies I’d spoken to had seen it after I left and turned it in. My trusting nature had been renewed. 🙂 I count this incident in the big city category because of the thousands of people around that day.


My next incident happened just a few days ago when I’d gone shopping. I’d just left the grocery store and stopped at another store on my way home to pick up some laundry detergent and other household items. The parking lot was full so I parked on the side in the only space available. I was in a hurry to get home and grabbed a twenty out of my purse and left the purse on the front seat. When I got out of the car I pushed what I thought was the lock button on my remote door control and hurried around the building to the front door. I was in the store for much longer than I’d expected to be and when I came out my car trunk was standing open with all my groceries in plain site. I’d accidentally hit the trunk button instead of the lock button. Not only were groceries in plain sight, but my purse with money and credit cards was in full view on the front seat in an unlocked car. I really need a keeper. 🙄 This a country community and no one had touched any of my stuff.

I have no clue as to whether country folk are more honest.  The one thing I am sure of is that I have far too many stupid moments in my life. I think there are thieves everywhere and I have had both good and bad experiences in both cites and small towns. But it does seem that in rural communities you’re a lot less likely to be the victim of theft. What do you think?

Author: Elizabeth Melton Parsons

I'm a novelist, poet, and artist. I love books, nature, art, and gardening. I'm a rock hound and there's a photo of me with a cool fossil rock on my about page, I take a lot of nature pictures. The background here is one of mine. Unfortunately I recently lost my wonderful husband, but I'm grateful to have the blessing of two beautiful sons. elizabethmeltonparsons.wordpress.com is © Elizabeth Melton Parsons 2007-2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elizabeth Melton Parsons with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

42 thoughts on “Are Country Folk More Honest? Part 2

  1. I live in a town of about 100,000. I received a call from the liquor store in my neighbourhood. They had my purse. I didn’t even know it was missing. I had been out shopping and had a lot of bags. I had also just been to the bank…$200.00! When I got to the liquor store they gave me my purse and nothing was missing! I had dropped it in the parking lot and a regular spotted it and turned it in, anonymously.

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  2. I am sure about it.

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  3. Interesting series, Elizabeth. Sometimes it’s when people feel a kinship that makes them empathetic to others in their community (whether virtual or geographical). Sometimes it’s the luck of the draw: you encounter an honest person.

    In the big city of Toronto, an unemployed man returned my wallet with more than 200 dollars years ago. It had fallen out of my lap when I paid the parking attendant. He found my ID inside and tracked me down to my office. Then he accepted our thanks and refused to take any money as a reward. He saved me such grief.

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  4. Maybe in a small town, people are afraid to commit a crime because everyone knows everyone. In a big city, if you left your car unlocked with your purse inside, it might depend upon the honesty of the first person to spot it.

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  5. I can only speak from the perspective of someone from a big city. I have left my wallet behind a couple of times at the bank to find it still there waiting for me.

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  6. I think………I’m never asking you to look after my wallet for me. You’re pushing the odds too far.
    I think smaller communities are more honest because people usually know each other so well. In bigger, busier communities it’s easier to be anonymous so people don’t feel they’re robbing a friend.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

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  7. Your style of narration is so simple yet so engaging Elizabeth 🙂

    Such incidents, I think, happen in all big cities. We’ve people here who love to beg so that they can buy drugs. Often they get irritated if you offer them food instead of money ( as the man in the first part).
    Trust is a thing which is rarely rewarded these days. But I do think country people are more honest and innocent than those living in big cities. I remember an incident when I left my handbag in an auto-rickshaw. I was almost sure that I won’t get it back. Next day, the driver came and handed me the bag. I offered him some money, but he refused and said it was his duty.Everything in the bag was intact. I was really overwhelmed by his gesture.

    By the way, I couldn’t comment on the Part 1 of this post. Didn’t understand what went wrong. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks a lot Elizabeth for visiting my blog. By doing so, I did not only discover your beautiful blog. You have also introduced me to other wonderful blogs like that of Cynthia S. Reyes. I love her blog, too! Thanks a lot. And I also thank a lot Pat Cegan from whom I discovered your blog because you also liked her posts. By the way, because of these sharings, so many people visit our own blog. Yesterday, a total of 1,318 page views was registered in zacsarian.com. Thank you Lord for getting to know you, albeit only through the Internet.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Glad both situations worked out for you Elizabeth. I live outside of New Haven and am so cautious when I’m there. I put everything in my trunk regardless of value because I assume someone will break in if they see a bag in the back seat or on the floor….even if it’s just my lunch.

    Not exactly the same thing but I once left my front door to my home wide open all day while at work (don’t ask). I live in a decent neighborhood but there has been the occasional home/car break in on my street. Luckily, all was fine when I got home that night. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lol…I did that once when I went shopping. Or maybe my dog opened it. 😉 He got out, but never left the porch. Since he weighs 93 pounds, I doubt anyone would have even ventured in the yard. I’m always super cautious in larger cities but living here I get sloppy. Sure glad your house was okay. Thanks for visiting, Geralyn.

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  10. You have such a trusting heart!
    Having lived for years in the city, know all too well how risky it is to be too trusting…I won’t list all my experiences here, think I’d be better off writing my own blog! lol
    I have to say that I really noticed the difference when I moved up here…the smaller populated town certainly a huge difference to what I had known. While there is a less likely chance of a burglary, it can still happen (though such big news that you will read about it in the local newspaper) so one should never ‘drop their guard’….guess its just a matter of being aware of your surroundings?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, Deb. A person should always be aware. It’s safe enough here that kids can run up and down the streets even after dark, but that might be because nosy people like me are always watching them. We have had a couple disappear over the years from out in the country and we do have a bit of excitement from time to time. I may have to do another post on that. And I’d love to read your post on all your mishaps. 🙂 Love ya! ❤


  11. I think people can be kind in both the country and the city. Long ago when I was a student in a large city college, I left my purse containing $200 in the college cafeteria. I was in the library when I realized I didn’t have my purse. I rushed to the cafeteria, and my purse was still there. So was the money! I was so relieved. That was all the money I had to my name, and I was at a crossroads where I was deciding to drop out of college and find a job.

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  12. You really do need supervision my friend. Mind you I drove off with most of my shopping on the roof of the car once and watched in the wing mirror as eggs and bottles disintegrated on the parking lot behind me ! Happy Valentine’s Day Elizabeth. I will be thinking of you. Hugs. xox ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my, we are a pair! Did you feel just awful? Well of course you did. 😀 I shouldn’t laugh, but the way you described it gave me a perfect image and I can’t help it. Stay safe and warm, my darling friend. I’m working my way through that chocolate salad you made. lol. ❤ ❤ Happy Valentine's Day!

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  13. What a story of circumstances Elizabeth – gives the words, faith in people, the true meaning. You are so lucky, but also I think rural areas are more trusting but not always – fate maybe. Thank goodness you have good ending to both situations. I’ve not had it happen to me, I would be the one to panic.

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  14. I’ve been privy to BOTH the good and bad in people. I lost my wallet (big city) and it was found and I was contacted. My partner lost hers (in a smaller town) and we know (for a fact!) that it was left at a restaurant and the individuals STOLE it. I find that honest people are HONEST people and dishonest people are DISHONEST people, whether you’re in “the country” or “the city”. I’m having more and more “stupid moments” (as you call them), the older I get. Guess it just comes with this lovely little “time in our life” we call menopause…..

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  15. Great story, Elizabeth. Glad things worked out well for you in both cases. I have lived in small towns and big cities. I also traveled all over the USA in my 20’s as a location photographer and remember being so tired that I left the keys in the door of my hotel room all night. When I first started, I hauled all 13 pieces of my camera rig (this was way before digital) into my hotel rooms. After a few months, I just brought in the film and camera and left everything else in the car. I never had a problem with theft. I also fell asleep in an airport while waiting for a plane and a nice lady sitting near me, woke me up just in time to catch my plane. All my belongings were intact. 🙂

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    • Oh my goodness, leaving your key in the door. Now that is a scary thought. May be if anyone noticed they just thought the maid was cleaning or something. I think that’s wonderful, Janell, that you were able to travel so much without any problems. I too have traveled a great deal with little trouble, but as I said, I’ve had both bad and good experiences in both big and small communities. 🙂


  16. I am a fairly trusting person but I do try not to put temptation in the way of others if I can help it. I am not infallible and I forget things and am careless like most people are from time to time. I can’t remember having anything stolen but then, like Lucie I have become vaguer with the menopause and my memory for some things isn’t what it used to be. My husband is not a very trusting person at all and assumes that there are thieves all around us waiting to pounce! We are like chalk and cheese/ Jack Spratt and his wife. I have noticed that in recent years there have been more cases of pick-pocketing, theft and robbery in our quiet part of the country than there used to be. I do not know why this should be. There are a number of possibilities any one of which or all or none could be the cause. The recession has hit rural people very hard and some suffering people may think theft a way of making money. More people are leaving the cities and big towns to live in the country so the population is going up and the crime naturally rises with the population. Members of the European Union can travel between states with hardly any difficulty and we get more itinerant workers from all over the place passing through. Dishonest people are everywhere, in all walks of life, rich and poor, all nationalities and they will take advantage of a situation that might benefit them. Fortunately there are more honest than dishonest people about!

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  17. Interesting, a lot of thieves work anonymously and perhaps in a small town they would be more noticeable than in a big city where people teem about all over the place. Maybe in cities things like drug addiction are more prevalent too which contributes to crime a lot. These days people seem surprised if somebody does a good thing like hand in a wallet or a bag but it really should be the norm.

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  18. Very interesting. I think you may be on to something too. When ever I visit my brother in Georgia, the people there are always, without fail more courteous and considerate than say the folks in NYC. I mean, it may just be my experiences, but it sure made me think. Made me want to move there. I’m happy you didn’t loose anything though. Funny thing too is I call my less than stellar moments (some call it clumsy) “momentary lapse of sanity” lol. I enjoyed reading this, thanks for sharing.


    • I agree with Georgia. As a whole they are the most hospitable and courteous of people. I traveled a lot growing up and we always looked forward to staying a few days in Georgia. Even at motels, hotels, inns, and restaurants we were treated like family. I hope my less than stellar moments will become less and less, but it’s highly unlikely. 😉 Thanks for stopping by.

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