Elizabeth Melton Parsons


Star of Bethlehem and Chives


Some photos- edible and non-edible plants.

I love it when my chives are blooming. Although delicious, I mostly grow them for ornamental purposes. I also snapped a couple of pictures of  Star of Bethlehem in my garden yesterday. These little guys grow abundantly along our creek banks and they seem to like my garden areas too. Although it’s sold as a spring time garden flower, it’s an invasive species which will crowd out native plants.  All parts of this little beauty are poisonous. Even though I think it’s beautiful, I keep my eye on it in my gardens. When it starts spreading, I dig it out.

Chives-Garlic Variety

Chives-Garlic Variety

Chives-Onion Variety

Chives-Onion Variety

Ornithogalum umbellatum

Common Names: (Star-of-Bethlehemgrass lilynap-at-nooneleven-o’clock lady)

Star of Bethlehem-Afternoon

Star of Bethlehem-Afternoon

Star of Bethlehem-Morning

Star of Bethlehem-Morning

Author: Elizabeth Melton Parsons

I'm a novelist, poet, and artist. I love books, nature, art, and gardening. I'm a rock hound and there's a photo of me with a cool fossil rock on my about page, I take a lot of nature pictures. The background here is one of mine. Unfortunately I recently lost my wonderful husband, but I'm grateful to have the blessing of two beautiful sons. elizabethmeltonparsons.wordpress.com is © Elizabeth Melton Parsons 2007-2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elizabeth Melton Parsons with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

21 thoughts on “Star of Bethlehem and Chives

  1. Beautiful photographs!


  2. beautiful 🙂 My chives are trying to blossom as well, but I keep pruning them for more growth 🙂 YUM!


  3. Wonderful photographs Elizabeth. I hope you don’t get any of the expected problems with the Star of Bethlehem as it would be such a shame to have to kill such a pretty flower.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


  4. Lovely photography. Interesting writing. What more could I ask??? Thanks!


  5. Beautiful photos, Elizabeth! Thanks for brightening my day. 🙂


  6. Beautiful pictures! My daughter loves chives. 🙂 I didn’t know they bloomed like that. Thanks for sharing!


  7. Thanks for an authentic and heartfelt blog 🙂


  8. Lucky you!! You have such beautiful flowers in your garden to brighten your day! 🙂


  9. Gorgeous flowers. Well done…
    Best wishes, Aquileana 🙂


  10. I used a plant called tulbaghia here and it is so similar to the one in your photos. Thanks for sharimg, loved the post !


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