Elizabeth Melton Parsons


Tragedy in Willowtown – Story Poem


old house

Children scamper down the sidewalks,
Skipping stones and hopping over cracks.
Having a good time, in no hurry to get home.
Not so for one little child.
She hurries, head down against the chilly air.
Fingers point, voices whisper,
The seed of Satan, no good.
She hurries faster, trying not to notice.
Home at last_The old Victorian house,
Once a well-respected and stately home.
Her mother sits as usual, in front of the fire.
Mind blurred by alcohol and pills,
Never noticing how much need of her the little
child has.
Wishing for the laughing, happy mother from
Before the tragedy of Willowtown.
The murders of two young girls_
She’d heard that horrible things had been done
to them before they died.
She’d been too young to understand,
But she remembered the townspeople looking
for someone to blame.
Turning their hatred to the young piano
The man who gave private lessons in his home,
Her father.
The laughing young man who tossed her in the
Who cuddled and read bedtime stories to her
until she fell asleep.
She remembered the rocks thrown through the
Her mother crying,
The crowed that gathered outside their house
with sticks and guns.
Her father going out to speak with them_
And never coming back.
Sixty years later, the old Victorian still stands,
crumbling and faded.
Fingers point, voices whisper_
That crazy old woman, never leaves her house,
A witch she is, in league with the devil.

ÓElizabeth Melton Parsons

Author: Elizabeth Melton Parsons

I'm a novelist, poet, and artist. I love books, nature, art, and gardening. I'm a rock hound and there's a photo of me with a cool fossil rock on my about page, I take a lot of nature pictures. The background here is one of mine. Unfortunately I recently lost my wonderful husband, but I'm grateful to have the blessing of two beautiful sons. elizabethmeltonparsons.wordpress.com is © Elizabeth Melton Parsons 2007-2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Elizabeth Melton Parsons with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

23 thoughts on “Tragedy in Willowtown – Story Poem

  1. Love this, Elizabeth…now I want to read the entire story. 🙂


  2. This story could go in so many directions! Wow! Very good.


  3. I have a poem…
    Hickory, Dickory, Dock…. The mouse ran up a clock. The clock struck one… and his family sued the clock maker for everything he had.


  4. Thank you so much articles for sharing


  5. Wow, Elizabeth, this reads like a true story. Well done!

    Blessings ~ Wendy


  6. WOW, WOW, WOW.


  7. Wow. That was a great story. I was totally engrossed. The choice of pic was brilliant – a nice juxtaposition of a pristine, idyllic home on the outside but a house of horrors on the inside. Well done 🙂


  8. Hello there! You are the 100th person to follow my blog. Thank you for being curious about what’s coming around the corner!!! I certainly appreciate it.


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